Are you tired of cleaning? Tips and tricks to clean the floor quickly

POSTED ON February 12,2024
Are you tired of cleaning? Tips and tricks to clean the floor quickly

Most of us are more motivated to avoid cleaning since it takes effort and can be tedious, tiring, and boring. However, the inevitability of doing it cannot be overlooked if you are trying to build a healthier environment around you. Regular activities like walking, playing, eating, and more will accumulate dirt on the floor in the form of dust, crumbs, hair, spills, and stains. This accentuates the need for regular cleaning and sanitization of your surroundings. Otherwise, your living space might become a breeding ground for germs, allergens, and pests in no time.

Getting yourself the best quality material while flooring the space is the foremost thing to take care of. Choosing the best flooring supplier in UAE can help you with it by providing various flooring options of high quality. The cleaning process differs according to the type of material, level of dirt, type of dirt, cleaning tools, and more. Just the thought of cleaning for a longer period might make you tired, and that's where you need the right tips. Are you tired of cleaning? Tips and tricks to clean the floor quickly from the flooring experts at Z&S Carpets will help you.

How to make cleaning effortless?

Making cleaning effortless is one topic that many have no idea about. Knowing how to clean easily, faster, and while having more fun is what is meant by the effortless way of cleaning your floor. No one likes to spend hours scrubbing, sweeping, and mopping the floor, and the tips mentioned below will help you do it the right and easy way. Keeping the floor clean and shiny will be much easier on any type of floor, including tiles, hardwood, carpet, or laminate floors.

Use the right tools

Choosing the right tool to clean your floor, considering what material you have on the floor, is important. Tools that work on specific materials and textures will make a huge difference in your floor cleaning quality and speed. Let's go through the various types of floors you might have and how to deal with them while cleaning.

  • A mop with a bucket of water and some detergent will work better on a tiled floor. Stubborn stains could be removed by applying a little force with a scrub brush. The surface should be wiped using a microfiber cloth to dry the tiles since microfiber has more absorption capability.
  • A microfiber cloth and a spray bottle of water with some vinegar will work better on a hardwood floor. A microfiber cloth helps you clean a hardwood floor without scratching or damaging it. Removing the dust and debris regularly using a broom and vacuum can make the process a lot easier.
  • A fluffy carpet on the floor means a lot more effort to clean it properly to retain the material characteristics of the carpet. A carpet shampoo could be used to clean them after vacuuming the dust and debris from them. Vacuum cleaners with rotating brushes are more effective since they can lift the dirt within the fibers of the carpet.
  • A mild cleaner in a spray bottle with a dry mop will do the trick for a laminated floor. Wiping off the floor immediately after spraying the cleaner without leaving moisture or residue is the right way to clean laminated floors.

The right tools to clean the floor will give you a beautiful floor and can make the floor long-lasting without any damage.

  • Warping and discoloration could be seen if you use a wet mop on hardwood.
  • Streaks and scratches will form through the use of a harsh cleaner on laminate.
  • Cracks and chips are a common problem faced by tiled floors due to the use of vacuum cleaners.

Use the right technique

The right technique while cleaning your floor has significance in keeping the floor long-lasting. Knowing the type of floor you have and implementing the right technique to clean it makes cleaning faster and more effective.

  • Mopping in a circular motion is more effective on tiles to remove the dirt from the gout lines. It is also important to rinse the mop in clean water frequently while mopping from one end of the floor to the other to avoid the spread of dirt everywhere. Using a microfiber cloth or squeegee to mop off the water can prevent the formation of spots and streaks on the floor.
  • Hardwood floors should be wiped using microfibers in the direction of the grains. Vacuuming and sweeping the floor regularly will also help keep the hardwood floor beautiful and durable.
  • Deep cleaning the carpet once every month can keep them away from stains and odors. Overlapping strokes are more effective in lifting the dirt and cleaning the fibers of the carpet material.
  • Spraying laminates lightly with water and mild cleaner and wiping them with a dry mop in one direction prevents streaks and smudges. Always make sure to avoid using too much water or cleaner, as they can leave residue on the surface.

You can enjoy a hygienic floor and living conditions by adopting the right cleaning technique according to the material.

You can prevent the growth of mold and mildew on the grout lines by mopping tiles in a circular motion.

  • Water and vinegar will prevent dust and dirt from accumulating on the surface of a hardwood floor.
  • Overlapping strokes while vacuuming will prevent the buildup of odors and bacteria from the fibers.
  • Using water and a mild cleaner will prevent dirt and grease from sticking to the surface of a laminate.

Cleaning the floor with the right frequency is another major thing you should take care of. This will make the cleaning process more manageable and effortless. Mopping tiles regularly can prevent discoloration, while cleaning the hardwood floor once a week will protect them from wear and tear. Every kind of floor has its way of cleaning that you should adopt so that it will not become a daunting task for you. Being the prominent vinyl flooring suppliers in Dubai with a wide variety of flooring alternatives for all your spaces, experts at Z&S Carpets can help you get more in-depth information on keeping your floor clean.