SPC vs. LVT Flooring: What's the Difference and Which is Right for You?

POSTED ON October 18,2023
spc flooring supplier in Dubai

When it comes to flooring, you've got options, but the two popular choices that often go head-to-head are SPC and LVT flooring. These acronyms stand for Stone Plastic Composite and Luxury Vinyl Tile, and they may sound a bit technical but don't worry, we're here to break it down for you.

In this blog, ‘Spc vs. Lvt Flooring: What's the Difference and Which is Right for You?’, experts at Z&S, the top spc flooring supplier in Dubai will discuss the major difference between both flooring, its pros and which one is right for your needs. So, let’s jump right in!

SPC Flooring 

SPC (Stone Plastic Composite) flooring is made from a core of stone, plastic composite material. The core typically includes limestone, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and other stabilizers. This core is then topped with a decorative layer and a wear layer to make a stylish and resilient flooring option.

LVT Flooring 

LVT or Luxury Vinyl Tile is made by combining PVC resin with various additives to create a flexible, durable material. It's then printed with realistic patterns and textures to resemble wood or stone, and coated with a wear layer for protection. These layers are compressed together to form thin, easy-to-install flooring tiles or planks.

Comparing Durability & Strength 

SPC flooring is known for its high durability and strength due to its sturdy stone composite core. It can handle high traffic and resist impacts, making it an ideal choice for busy spaces. LVT, while durable, is slightly less robust as it features a flexible vinyl core

SPC wins in terms of strength, especially in challenging environments, while LVT excels in standard residential or low-traffic areas. Even though SPC is more durable, LVT provides value for money. 

Both types of flooring can be installed in commercial properties including hair salons, restaurants, and cafes since they can withstand heavy traffic. Reach out to our technicians at Z&S for your premium quality SPC flooring Dubai and LVT flooring Dubai needs.

Room Suitability

SPC and LVT floors work well in most areas of your home. However, when choosing LVT for a bathroom, opt for a waterproof version, and ensure the subfloor is properly sealed. SPC is incredibly sturdy, making it perfect for high-traffic spaces like kitchens and entryways, while LVT shines in bedrooms and living rooms due to its comfort. Both are suitable, but specific features and preparations should guide your choice for different rooms, ensuring you get the best flooring for each space's unique needs.

Installation LVT vs SPC Flooring

SPC and LVT flooring offer different installation methods. SPC uses a click system. It works on most subfloors without needing perfect flatness. Meanwhile, LVT offers glue-down and click options.

Glue-down needs more effort but can be done independently. LVT demands a perfectly level subfloor, free from bumps and dents, as its flexible nature can show imperfections. SPC's rigid structure handles slight subfloor irregularities better, ensuring a smoother result even if your subfloor isn't perfectly flat.

LVT & SPC Styles 

SPC and LVT offer various styles, but they differ in how they achieve them. SPC flooring is strong and can mimic natural materials like wood and stone with great realism. It's excellent for a modern, sleek look. Meanwhile, LVT has more design versatility and can replicate a broader range of styles, including intricate patterns colours etc. So, the choice depends on whether you prefer the strength and simplicity of SPC or the design flexibility of LVT.


SPC Flooring UAE generally offers better insulation compared to LVT. This is due to the factor that SPC has a stone composite core, making it denser and more rigid. It retains heat better, providing a slightly warmer surface to walk on. On the other hand, LVT, with its flexible PVC core, may not insulate as effectively and could feel cooler underfoot. If you're looking for flooring that helps maintain the room temperature and provides a cosier feel, SPC might be the better choice. However, using rugs or underlayment can enhance insulation for both types.

Comfort and Sound

When it comes to comfort and sound, SPC and LVT flooring have distinct differences. SPC  flooring is typically more comfortable underfoot because of its thicker and softer core. It offers better insulation against cold and sound, making it a quieter option. In contrast, LVT may be a bit harder and less insulating, so it can be noisier and colder to walk on. Consider your comfort and sound insulation needs when choosing between them, as SPC is often preferred in areas where quietness and comfort are essential, like bedrooms, while LVT is commonly used in more commercial or high-traffic spaces.

Advantages of SPC & LVT Flooring 

These are some of the advantages of both SPC & LVT flooring.

 Why SPC Flooring? 

Known for its remarkable durability,  SPC flooring is capable of withstanding heavy foot traffic and resisting wear and tear over time. Its waterproof property also makes it a perfect option for areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

Why LVT Flooring?

The realistic, high-quality appearance of LVT flooring natural materials like wood and stone, provides a sophisticated aesthetic without the high cost. Its durability,  easy installation and maintenance make it a favourite among flooring solutions.

In conclusion, SPC and LVT flooring are the go-to options in a city like Dubai, perfectly blending elegance and resilience, and catering to the diverse tastes and needs of the city's interior design enthusiasts.