Positive Health Impact of Installing Synthetic Grass in Your Home and Office Space

POSTED ON January 25,2024
artificial grass supplier in the UAE

Did you know that having artificial grass can contribute to your family's well-being? Beyond the looks and low maintenance features, Artificial grass offers much more. Do you know synthetic turf can promote a better environment? Unbelievable right? Most people are now discovering the perks of artificial grass and consider it a viable option.  So, in this blog, Positive Health Impact of Installing Synthetic Grass in Your Home and Office Space, we’ll discuss some of the positive and unexpected health impacts that make artificial grass in UAE a popular and sensible choice for homes and office spaces alike.

Why Choose Artificial Turf for Your Home and Office Space?

Ever wondered about the perks of having artificial grass? Well, there are plenty! From less sneezing to easier upkeep, we've got six health benefits to chat about. So, let's break it down and see how choosing artificial grass can make your space not just look good, but also feel good.

No More ‘Bugs’

Artificial grass acts as a bug deterrent by eliminating breeding grounds and access points. Traditional lawns, with uneven surfaces, can collect water, ideal for mosquito breeding. However, artificial turf installation levels the surface and includes a drainage system, disrupting mosquito habitats. Bugs are quite attracted to dirt, but synthetic grass, with its mesh backing, denies them access. This simple barrier prevents bugs from infiltrating your yard, creating a bug-resistant environment. Say goodbye to bug-related nuisances and health concerns with the installation of artificial grass in your outdoor space.

Keeps Allergies Out

Artificial grass provides a pollen-free haven for your family, especially during the seasons when pollen is abundant. Unlike natural grass lawns that release pollen, synthetic turf eliminates this source, creating a sneeze-free zone. Kids and pets can freely romp and roll on the grass without triggering allergies, reducing the need for medication.

With artificial grass, you can enjoy a worry-free outdoor experience, knowing that the lush greenery comes without the hassle of pollen-related allergies, making it a perfect choice for a healthier and more comfortable living space. Reach out to our experts at Z&S Carpets, for premium artificial grass in Dubai.

No More Harmful Substances

Synthetic grass reduces exposure to harmful substances by eliminating the need for pesticides and herbicides. Unlike natural grass, which often requires chemical treatments to maintain its health and appearance, artificial grass remains resilient without the use of these potentially harmful substances. This means that people and pets in the vicinity are less likely to come into contact with or inhale the residues of such chemicals. Choosing synthetic grass not only minimizes environmental impact but also creates a safer, chemical-free outdoor environment for your family, promoting a healthier and more sustainable living space.

Limit Exposure to Bacteria

Artificial turf offers a unique advantage by reducing exposure to bacteria commonly found in natural lawns. Lawns, teeming with dirt, plants, and pet activity, harbor germs. The introduction of infill, like Silica made from sand, acts as an antibacterial shield. This microbial coating prevents the spread of bacteria, allowing your pets to use the synthetic grass without fear of germs lingering. Whether your children play or your pets roam, this infill ensures a safer environment by halting the proliferation of bacteria, making your yard a cleaner and healthier space for all.

Organic Maintenance

Synthetic turf provides chemical-free maintenance by eliminating the need for a range of harmful lawn chemicals. Homeowners often resort to fertilizers, pesticides, and weed killers to maintain a beautiful lawn, unknowingly exposing their families and the environment to toxins. This becomes a significant concern, especially for children and pets who play close to the ground. Recent studies reveal increased toxins in children's bodies due to continuous exposure. Artificial turf serves as a solution, maintaining its lush appearance without the necessity for these harmful chemicals. By choosing synthetic turf, not only do you create a safer environment for your family, but you also save money on costly lawn care chemicals.

In conclusion, choosing artificial grass for your home or office isn't just about having a beautiful and low-maintenance lawn. It's a smart move. By ditching harmful chemicals used on traditional lawns, you create a safer space, especially for kids and pets. Plus, with synthetic turf, you save money while enjoying a vibrant, green space all year round. It's a win-win for a healthier, happier living or working environment.

Why Z&S Carpets?

As a leading artificial grass supplier in the UAE, we stand out as your prime choice for premium artificial grass in Dubai. Our commitment to quality, diverse options, and unmatched expertise make us the go-to destination for transforming your outdoor and indoor spaces with vibrant and durable artificial grass solutions.